The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

busy, busy, busy! :))

It's been a few days since I've last updated :) Well, classes started back yesterday! woohoo! [for some classes and others it just sort of a mediocre woo]. Needless to say, I am SUPER busy w/ school & work, and after somewhat of a mental breakdown today [only the 2nd day of the semester :)] I am now happy to be in the swing of things once again w/ school. I especially L-O-V-E my Advanced Fiction Writing course!!

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. -- ephesians 6:12 The reason I posted this verse is because for the past two days I have felt more doubt, etc. creeping into my mind. I know that it's the devil trying to plant little seeds here and there of doubt - doubt about my WONDERFUL GOD I serve and doubt that I can actually do everything that I need to do this semester. But he's not going to win. I'm not taking it anymore. I'm not going to listen to it any longer. I've always heard that thoughts aren't a sin, it's when you begin to dwell and think about the thoughts that enter in your head that they become sin. Just because the devil whispers these things doesn't mean that you have to listen to them.

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I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?