The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Sunday, September 6, 2009

an issue of the heart

I still hope and pray that these people that I love, that purposefully hold racism SO much in their hearts, that they will overcome it. That GOD would open up there eyes to the world He created, and that they would see His people like He sees them. It saddens me, so much to the point that I haven't even yet really mentioned my adopting from Ethiopia in the next few years to come, because I know that it would become a fuss.
I've come to the point that I don't even really care whether or not they talk about me when I'm not there - because it doesn't matter to me. This little kid(s) that I am going to adopt one day in the future need someone. They just want a Mommy, a family, to know they are important to someone. To know that someone cares. I plan to go on a mission's trip next summer, HOPEFULLY!!! And if I do so happen to be SO fortunate to go help/give aid to little kids/adults, I would hope that maybe somehow through that the people I love so much would be happy for me. I mean I hear words left and right, and I'm pretty sure you know the main one that is flopped around like it's their ethnicity. It's really hard for me not to say something - and the only reason I try to say something (ps. some times I do end up saying a little something) is to keep a fuss/argument from breaking out.
It really saddens me that these people actually, truly feel this way about someone's skin color. Maybe you guys have some tips in breaking the ice w/ these people I love about the words they call them or telling them I am going to adopt. I want to tell them what is so heavy on my heart, but I don't want to cause any conflict.

1 comment:

T n' W said...

I know how you feel. I wish we could rid the world of this ignorant behavior, but I'm afraid it's not that easy...check out this site (if you haven't already) It deals with all kinds of topis in the forum. Very Educational!

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?