The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yesu b'i kanu, bamako.

um, so yeah, the reading for class thing happened for a little while this afternoon. then i got on facebook and began to think of all the little kiddos next year again while looking at some friends' recent trips to the African continent to love on them. it’s so hard waiting to see them. these kids that God has placed on my heart so heavily. the talibes, the orphans, the kids who just don’t know Jesus. i want so badly to fly there tonight and not let them wait another day. i’ve been practicing saying “Yesu b’i kanu” [yea-soo bee kah-noo], and it just flows so freely off my tongue. oh, how i wish i was in the slums of bamako in this moment. just to pray over the streets i walk on - for the people whose eyes meet mine. to feel the dirt and dust caked on my feet and know it’s for Him i walk here. Yesu b’i kanu, bamako. and soon, oh so soon, i will share that with you. i will not be timid, but bold for the cause He has called me to. to come out of my shell is to walk in the boldness the Holy Spirit gives me. and that i am doing and will do for you, bamako, oh so soon.

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I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?