The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jehovah Jireh - my Provider - is soooo mind blowing.

i am just plain overwhelmed at the goodness of God and His people. I spoke yesterday at my home church, a church that is rather small in size compared to a lot of churches, but i received a love offering that blew my mind. I've been thinking of my plane ticket and shot a lot lately, not worrying mind you, but just saying, "okay God, i'm looking to you for this one, because i have no way on earth to earn money for a plane ticket to the continent of Africa. and it's getting about the time where i need to start doing this." for those of you who have traveled to Africa, you know the overwhelming expense of a plane ticket there :)
There was a two day yard sale scheduled for last friday and saturday, and i had it figured out, that and speaking at church would definitely be enough to get the plane ticket purchased and shots. those two things together - the yard sale and speaking at my home church. well, God just showed me yesterday that even though the yard sale has been postponed because of horrible flooding in my hometown until a later date in november, He can still work and bring in more money than little ole me ever thought possible through just one of those. i am still in awe. i even have two monthly supporters due to yesterday's presentation. God is just too awesome for words. i now have more than enough money for a plane ticket and a yellow fever shot.
i think i'm still in a dream state :) God is working those wonders that i knew He would.
oh, and here's a very humorous part of my day straight off the press:
a repairman came to work on our freezer today, and he was asking me what i majoring in during college, etc. i told him english, and then how i was moving to africa (i love how God gives these opportunities to share). then he says (while he's working on the freezer) "are you really sure you want to do this??" and in mid sentence the freezer shocked him. haha, just a little jolt to hush him up. bahah! :D I love how God is humorous. :)


Lisa said...

God is forever FAITHFUL!! Pss I love the Edit! Like I said God is faithful. :)

Shannon said...

That is awesome (the money not the shocking, although that is hilarious)!!!!! I cannot wait to see all that God has in store. I have a friend who is leaving for Africa in the spring with Pioneers. Her heart is really for Mali but she does not know where she is going yet. I told her about you. I will look up her email and try to get you guys connected!

Renee said...

What a wonderful answer to your prayers....So glad God is creating ways for you to go...

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?