The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

well, before crunch time (haha... i am such a horrible student/procrastinator)...
for months i’ve wished i was in mali, and i still do - but WHOAAAAAAA is there a lot to do before then!

apply for a malian visa. purchase a plane ticket. get a yellow fever shot and figure out what else i need to do medical wise. pack, pack, and pack some more. speak. take in my surroundings and the people i’ve known all my life one more time. buy a packet of tissues for the airport. thanksgiving. graduate. Christmas. the SALT conference in florida. attend some awesome services with some friends in january in NC. and hug some people more than i have in my entire life. try not to tear up at odd times. realize there is still skype. take pictures with everyone so i can slip them in my suitcase. and last but not least, live the life He wants me to live while all this is going on. to trust Him when it seems everything is going crazy, & i’m being stretched like a rubberband (thanks to kimberly for the analogy). just to trust Him. because i have NO idea where all of this is taking me, but He does. and i trust His plan.

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I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?