The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Holden's 6th Bday

My nephew Holden celebrated his sixth birthday this past Wednesday, and had a birthday party with some of his classmates today. It's hard to believe he is already SIX! I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I received the call from my mom while at school that my sister was in labor/or had already had Holden. After school, my sister and I drove to see this new little nephew. He was gorgeous. Sweet. Holden Sheppard B. You've gotta love him :))

This afternoon at his party I took the opportunity of catching some shots of his party decor and also of Holden playing around on the firetruck that was brought to his party for the kids to look at/play on. Holden is set on becoming a fireman one day when he grows up. Now, I know that a lot of little guys say they want to be a fireman, but Holden is serious. It has been his dream ever since I can remember. He does THE BEST siren impression I've ever heard. He knows ALL of the names of the different trucks/equipment. I'm sure if his dad would have let him he would have driven it around town this afternoon :))
Here are some pictures of six year old Holden & his party.

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