The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what a praise report!!!

GOD is amazingggggggggggggg!!! Really! My cousin Kay, whom I told you guys about yesterday - totally on her last few hours of life, bleeding to death, needing a triple bypass- well, she is headed in the total opposite direction now!! Prayer is SO powerful. Never underestimate the power of our GOD!! Here is an update on her condition. Although she is not out of the ballpark yet, she has made a complete turn around. The bleeding has stopped/or very close, she is able to breathe some on her on now (she is still on the venilator, but yesterday it was doing ALL her breathing for her), they have taken her off two blood pressure medicines!! GLORY BE TO GOD! Please don't stop praying for her! She has a long road to go, but the way things look right now she is hanging in there. Praise GOD!
Yesterday, the doctors hit a wall and said she had a few hours left. Now, they see what GOD can do. Nothing but GOD has turned this around for her.


Kalyn said...

Praise God!!!
I will keep her in my prayers and that God continues to heal your cousin!


natali said...

I know, praise GOD! Thanks for praying!!

Joanna @ Asking with Faith said...

Wow Natali! That is amazing! God is so stinken awsome! Thanks for your comment a while back. It was so sweet of you. I love how you call your ark an ark. LOVE it. If I started buying clothes now I would go crazy! My room would be overflowing. Little kid clothing is just way to cute!


I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?