The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your GOD will be with you wherever you go..." Joshua 1:9

Tell me, why am I so scared of a plane? It isn't because of the beautiful scenery outside of the window. It isn't because someone may have a bomb [b/c I know that I would be with my Father in Heaven if that did happen :))],and it definitely is not because I am scared of getting lost. All those things are things I can deal with. So why then?

I am going to be honest here. The last time I was on a plane[for 1 hr 45 minutes] I clammed up, sweated like crazy, felt like I was going to choke and felt very dizzy in a way. I just want to ask a little favor of my blogger friends,and that is this: could you please pray with me that my fear of flying will subside? I know, that I know, that I know that is a scheme of Satan. He doesn't want me to travel. He doesn't want me to go to Africa this summer. Because he knows that GOD's hand is in it, that there is something he can't control - GOD working in people's lives to orchestrate wonders. I know that GOD can suppress these feelings that the Devil throws my way when I am on a plane. So if you would, please join me in prayer for exactly that. Thank you guys!

I know the Lion of the tribe of Judah can protect me!


Kalyn said...

You are going to Africa this summer? Where are you going?

Don't worry you are not the only who is afraid of flying. I hate flying because I get motion sick so bad. And when you are traveling and flying for like eight hours or more it is torture!
So I will definitely be praying for you and that God will ether get rid of your fear of flying or use it to His glory.

natali said...


p.s. I'm SO glad that I don't get motion sickness! Poor you!
And the going to Africa (West Africa) thing this summer is still in the works, not set in stone - BUT if it does happen, just thinking of getting on the plane makes me VERY nervous. I'll definitely be posting when I find out anything :)) I'm SO excited just thinking about being there - getting there is another story :0)

JonesEthiopia said...

I used to be scared of flying, too. However, I love to travel. One day, I just decided that any fears I had were not going to stop me from living my life. You have goals, dreams, and a plan. I know that come summer, you will get on that plane, and you will be fine.

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?