The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Sunday, July 4, 2010

the 4th of july!

so yeah, it was the 4th of july today. haha. and i took pictures while waiting for the fireworks tonight.

i love the waterfront!
and here is my first successful capture of water in the air - although it's rather small. lol. maybe you can see it??

i love the glow of the sun here.

the water was so soooo pretty today.

happy 4th of july everyone! not only do i take this day to remember the fallen soldiers who have fought for our freedom, but also to remember the freedom i have in worshipping Him here. we as a people can soooo easily take worship for granted. next year, when i'm in africa, i'm pretty sure i'm going to know a little more of what i'm feeling right now. how blessed i am to have grown up in a country that gives me the freedom to worship my God and Savior how i please. oh, how we all take this for granted. sooo much so. myself included.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Happy (belated) 4th to you as well! I understand what you mean by taking freedoms for granted. Truly blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to worship our God.

I live in England where it's somewhat similar (don't get me talking on this subject) by I was missing America on the 4th and celebrating it's birthday in my heart.

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?