The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Monday, July 12, 2010

from my heart. i want to help him.

yesterday i saw a man on the side of the street, just sitting there. my heart broke. he looked like he's been rejected by everyone and in need of a good hug and meal. i wanted so badly to pick him up and give him a ride to church, but it just seemed dangerous, so i didn't do it. i sometimes wonder if i'm supposed to do things like that, to just give him a ride even if it is dangerous. you know? just to trust Him. but then my reality side hits me in the face and i say "no way". i often think, but that's what jesus would do. He would just give him a ride out of love. out of compassion. but being a young woman it scares me. i want to be safe and not put myself in danger, but where do you draw the line? i've given a sketchy man a little money before, but i've never done anything that would've given any one a chance to harm me. i wish and pray that i would find people like myself that just want to be compassionate to the least of these. i don't want to move to Mali having never done anything for those least of these right here in North Carolina. i want to love on them and show them their Father. i want them to know, oh so badly, the joy they can have no matter what their circumstances. i just have this burden to share with the people that no one wants to share with. i don't know why there isn't already a ministry in this area to those people, or if there is why i've missed it. that man yesterday broke something inside of me. God loves him. i just want him to know it. because it would change his life. and who am i to keep that from him? it's not my right to. i'm supposed to tell.

so i'm praying for You to use me before i leave. because i want to help these people. i want to show them You. i'm ready. show me what to do.

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I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?