The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rebecca St James - Wait For Me [Clip Video] + Lyrics

i'm waiting. i don't know who you are or where you are, but just know i'm praying for you tonight. i want you, darling, to love Him with your whole heart, seek Him all of your days and choose Him over the world. i pray tonight that wherever you are in this moment that you know i'm waiting for you too. and that i love you, future husband. whoever you are. and wherever you happen to be. right in this moment i pray that you would realize the joy you have in Him, that is your strength. nothing else. not even the love you may have for me. just Him. because i'm human. humans fail each other. i'm not perfect, you're not perfect. He shall be the cornerstone. i want our relationship to be based on not only our love for each other, but the fact that i see a man who is so lost in Him that it draws me to you. not only do i want a Boaz, a man that will protect and provide for me, but i want a paul. i pray for you to wholeheartedly live for Jesus. not just part of your being, but with everything you have within you. that's what i yearn for. a man who isn't afraid to be known as a man after God's own heart and who would be willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus. to follow Him even when it's not easy. even when it takes every single bit of trust you have. i want that kind of man. and darling, no, i'm not setting my hopes too high. i believe in you. i believe in the man He has created you to be. so go ahead, drop it all behind you and follow Him. He's waiting and i'm waiting. love you, future husband. and as i look at the night sky it soothes me to know you're out there too. somewhere.


Kalyn said...

Natali that is beautiful. My friend and I loved it!! It is so sweet!! The music video is awesome too!

Allisyn (aka the Mrs.) said...

oh my you totally made me tear up :)

Emily said...

this is amazing! LOVE your posts. you are so inspiring!

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?