The Video I Made to Describe My Journey for Next Year and the People of Mali, West Africa

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I asked Him to speak, and BOY.DID.HE.EVER.

I'm telling you guys... GOD is so so soooooooooo good. I prayed before I left the house for church this morning that He would speak specifically to me in the service today. I said speak to others too, but specifically to my spirit, please.


Let me back up and say that I've been thinking of Zechariah and Elizabeth so much the past few days. Their biblical story of GOD telling Z that his wife Elizabeth is going to bear a child in her old age, and how Z didn't believe GOD and GOD made him silent until the birth of his son John (who would prepare the way for the Messiah). I didn't know why I kept thinking of this, but now I do. He was preparing for this morning's sermon. He does stuff like that you know? :))

I did the same thing months, weeks before the day at the Chi Alpha Retreat where GOD used Peter and the boat to speak to me OH SO LOUDLY at the retreat that weekend. Oh, how He loves us, people! He prepares your heart so that you'll say, Oh, that what that was. That's why I was thinking of that.

This morning in service we had a guest speaker, Wally Odom. We're having him for revival this week through Wednesday night. I am SO excited. I'm jumping up and down inside just thinking of all the people that are going to FINALLY GET OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE.

This morning the message he preached was all about Z and his wife, and how GOD uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. That he challenges us and stretches, brings us out of our comfort zones. And how when GOD speaks a word into our life, how we as humans tend to question it, even when it comes from an angel as in Z's case. And how you're SCARED.TO.DEATH because you feel so incapable of the word and what He has for you. The preacher brought up a very interesting thought. Everytime an angel came to someone in the Bible, they would say, "Do not fear." The preacher make a point when he continued on to say that when given their assignment in Heaven before they go to earth to complete it, the angels are probably told, tell them not to fear, because He knows what is about to happen to that person is going to challenge them and take them WAY beyond their comfort zone.

Bro. Odom also spoke of how things happen in our life for a reason, coidcidences that lead to the next one and so on and so on. How GOD orchestrates things just so. Like for example, in my life, the SFE (Sahel Formation Experience) that I'm going on next year, things happened to make that happen. Very specific things. Providential things.

He also spoke of Africa (which I totally about stopped breathing when he said Africa and mentioned Kenya because just yesterday or the day before was thinking of Kenya quite a bit), and how this insurance man named Bob picked specifically Kenya to pray for. Didn't know why, just did it. He prayed for about six months. Randomly met up with someone from Kenya at a dinner, that person invited him to Kenya, he went and saw an orphanage. He then went back to the States and told this pharmaceutical company that he knew this orphanage needed medicines, and that the pharm. company threw out a lot of meds a year, and that they could send them to this orphanage. So they did, and the lady from the orphanage called and said that they received over 1 million dollars in meds. And then the orphanage had a BIG celebration and invited Bob back to Kenya to celebrate with them. The president of Kenya was at the celebration. The president and Bob then went on a tour of Nairobi, Kenya and rode by a prison. Bob asked the president what that was exactly, and the President told Bob that it was a prison where they kept all the political speakers, etc. at. Bob told him that they should free them. Bob gets back to the States and a while later he gets a call from the US govt. asking is this Bob the insurance guy. Bob says yes it is. They rejoice with him that Bob talked the President of Kenya into releasing those people, for Congress had been trying for a long time and was unsucessful. Bob then was invited to come and fast and pray for the President of Kenya for the President needed guidance in what to do next with his country. WHAT A STORY. And it's all because Bob obeyed. That he said no to his comfort zone. He changed the lives of so many. Just because of a simple, I'm gonna pray for Kenya.

Please, just say YES. There is no doubt He will challenge you and take you out of your comfort zone, but one person can change the world when they do say YES. Keep pressing on. Don't EVER doubt the word GOD gave you.


Allisyn (aka the Mrs.) said...

thanks for posting that...i needed it :)

Anonymous said...


That was a great story!!! I'm sooo glad the Lord is speaking to you!


ellieshine said...

What an amazing series of God-Incidences - yours and the insurance guys :) I love love love hearing about how God speaks to us and guides our lives. God loves us, he is involved in our lives and that is just about the most exciting thing I have ever heard!!!! Thanks for sharing.

I need Africa more than Africa needs me. Do you?